Race Result Info

About Race Results

Overall results and age group listings as submitted by the race organizer are initially posted on the main SFTC page and also on the Recent Results page. Results are normally posted within 48 hours of submission to the webmaster. When new race results are submitted, older race results are removed from the main page, but can still be found on the archive pages. 

Sending Results to SFTC

SFTC encourages races to report their results in a timely fashion and in a neat, user-friendly format 

File Type:

Send your race results to SFTC in .txt, .xls (Microsoft Excel) or PDF  file types although please note that .txt type is most preferred and will result in faster posting times. If you use Excel, please see the note below on formatting times. .txt files can be authored with Microsoft Notepad or several other software packages. 

Formatting Times:

When reporting road race times, the convention is to round up to the nearest second. 24:23.30 (24 minutes, 23 seconds and 30 hundredths) is rounded up to 24:24. Separate hours, minutes and seconds using colons and not periods. So 1 hour, 45 minutes and 23 seconds should be reported as 1:45:23 and not 1.45.23. For track races, if tenths or hundredths of a second are reported, use a period between the seconds and the fractions, for example, 7 minutes, 3 seconds and 32 hundredths should be reported as 7:03.32 and not as 7:03:32. 7 minutes and 3 seconds should be reported as 7:03 and not as 7:03:00 - if you use this latter format, the results will returned to you for re-formatting prior to posting. In Excel, it is often easier to format the appropriate cells as text and not as times before you start typing them in.

Overall and Age Groups:

SFTC suggests that a race provide both Overall and Age-Group results. These can be combined into a single file or reported separately in 2 files. It is recommended that all of the participants are listed in the age group results and not just the award winners.

Submitting Results:

Results should be sent to mtipto4@charter.net . Be sure to read the above sections on File Types and Formatting Times before sending. If you have any questions, please be sure to ask first before spending hours typing up results only to find out that the format you used is unacceptable.