Grant Program
SFTC Grant Program
The State of Franklin Track Club offers a Grant-In-Aid program which provides financial grants to schools and other non-profit organizations in the Tri-Cities area. The purpose of the grants is an additional route to fulfilling SFTC's mission of promoting health and fitness through walking and running by giving some of its funds back to the local community.
Grants of up to $500 are awarded twice per year. The deadlines for submission of applications are January 1 and June 1.
In the interest of fairness to all applicants, under no circumstances will late or incomplete applications be considered. Any questions regarding the grants which are not covered in the grant description document given below should be sent to the SFTC President.
Grant History
This grant program was introduced in the Spring of 2007. Since that time, the following applications have been received and grants have been given as indicated (in reverse chronological order):
Period Ending June 1, 2021
One application received and approved from KACHEA. Grant awarded for $500.00.
Period Ending January 1, 2021
No applications received.
Period Ending January 1, 2020
Eight applications were received and approved. They were from Castlewood Elementary School (two applications approved for $500 and $333), Girls on the Run/Washington & Lee Elementary (two applications approved for $500 and $333), Washington County, TN Girls on the Run (one application approved for $333), KACHEA (one application approved for $333), Tri-Cities Youth Athletics (one application approved for $333), and Sullivan South Cross Country (one application approved for $333).
Period Ending January 1, 2019
Three applications were received and approved. They were from Girls on the Run/Northeast Tennessee (approved for $500), Girls on the Run/Washington Lee Elementary (approved for $500), and Tri-Cities Youth Athletics (approved for $494.50).
Period Ending January 1, 2018
Three applications were received and approved. They were from Girls on the Run/Northeast Tennessee (approved for $500), Girls on the Run/Washington Lee Elementary (approved for $500), and Tri-Cities Youth Athletics (approved for $494.50).
Period Ending June 1, 2017
Three applications were received and approved. They were from Girls on the Run/Northeast Tennessee (approved for $500), Girls on the Run/Washington Lee Elementary (approved for $500), and Tammy Huffman, a teacher in Castlewood, VA (approved for $494.50).
Period Ending January 1, 2016
Two applications were received and approved. They were from Tri-Cities Youth Athletics (approved for $500) and Girls on the Run/Northeast Tennessee (approved for $500).
Period Ending June 1, 2015
Two applications were submitted and approved. They were from St. Mary's Kids Run the Nation Program (approved for $500); and St. Mary's Summer Fitness Running Program (approved for $500).
Period Ending January 1, 2015
One application was submitted and approved. It was from Girls on the Run (Approved for $500).
Period Ending June 1, 2014
Three applications were submitted and approved. They were from ETSU's Joe Callahan Running Club (approved for $500); St. Mary's Catholic Church School Kids Run the Nation (approved for $500); and Tri-Cities Youth Athletics Program (approved for $500).
Period Ending January 1, 2014
Five grant applications were submitted and approved. They were from Hiltons Girls on the Run (approved for $400); Liberty Bell Middle School Girls on the Run (approved for $400); St. Mary's Girls on the Run (approved for $400); Fairmont Girls on the Run (approved for $400); and ETSU's Joe Callahan Running Club (approved for $400).
Period ending January 1, 2013
Three applications were received from three separate Girls on the Run groups and all three were approved for $500 each.
Period ending June 1, 2012
No applications received.
Period ending January 1, 2012
Four grant applications were submitted for $500 each. Three were to support Girls on the Run at South Side, Mountain View, and Fairmont. The other was a request to support the Abingdon High School Track program. $500 was awarded to each of the Girls on the Run applicants and $200 to Abingdon to cover their cost of new uniforms.
Period ending June 1, 2011
One application was received, from Robinson Middle School. $500 was awarded as requested in the application.
Period ending January 1, 2011
Girls on the Run application received. They sent a report on how money from last year’s grant was spent and also a grant application. A $500 grant for 2011 was approved to support scholarships in Keenburg School in Carter County which is conducting the Girls on the Run program for the first time in 2011.
Period ending June 1, 2010
SFTC received two timely and complete applications for grants: Girls on the Run and Roosevelt Runners. The two grant requests were awarded as presented.
Period ending January 1, 2010
Girls on the Run: $500 was awarded to this successful organization. This was the only application received for this period.
Period ending June 1, 2009
Girls on the Run:: The program is requesting a $500.00 grant for program scholarships. The application was approved for this amount.
Ross N. Robinson Middle School Cross Country: Terry Diamond, Cross Country coach for RNR has requested a $500 grant to fund weekly incentive awards and team breakfasts. The application was approved for this amount.
Period ending January 1, 2009
PathFinders: Pathfinders submitted a grant request for $500 to assist in funding a 5k race to be held in March, 2009. The grant money would be used for equipment rental, race t-shirts and race awards. Although the SFTC Board agreed that Pathfinders is a program it would like to support, some members of the Board expressed concern that the grant request was more for race sponsorship than program funding. The application was rejected.
Period ending June 1, 2008
Girls on the Run: This is the second application that Girls on the Run have submitted. All the requirements of the previously awarded grant were met. The new application stated that the intent was to use the grant, if awarded, to provide scholarships to girls who could not otherwise afford to participate in the program. The $500 requested was awarded to Girls on the Run.
Road Pride: Road Pride is an after-school program for 3rd - 5th graders at Lincoln Elementary School, Kingsport. The application stated that the grant, if awarded, would be used towards race entry fees, t-shirts, incentive awards, an "awards day" and an end-of-program pizza party if funds allow. The requested amount was awarded.
Bristol Cross: This event is one of the largest cross country meets (high, middle and elementary schools) in the TriCities area. $500 for awards was requested. The grant was approved for this amount.
Period ending January 1, 2008
Tennessee High School: The submitted application was incomplete - THS did not give details of how the grant would be spent. The application was rejected on this basis. However, THS was encouraged to re-submit a complete application by the next grant period deadline for consideration.
Greeneville High School: GHS XC requested $500 in grant money, $250 to be used for uniforms and $250 to be used for a scholarship. The SFTC Board concerned that limiting the $250 scholarship to one person does not benefit the whole team and could actually be used outside the Tri-Cities area. $250 of the requested $500 was awarded for the purchase of XC uniforms.
Period ending June 1, 2007
Girls on the Run: This organization is a non-profit prevention program that encourages pre-teen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running. Girls on the Run requested $500 for scholarships, program supplies and promotional materials. $500 was awarded.