Fitness Walking
SFTC Fitness Walking Series
In support of SFTC’s commitment to promote walking for physical fitness, good health, and sport, we are pleased to announce the SFTC Fitness Walking Series. The Fitness Walking Series is not a competition but is a recognition of walkers who complete the required number of mile races in the area.
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To be eligible for the Fitness Walking Series, you must:
Be a SFTC member
Contact the Fitness Walking Series Manager and request to be included in the series
Earn at least 5 volunteer service points
Collect and report your monthly fitness walking mileage to the Series Manager
Complete at least 4 SFTC-owned or K&Q races 2 of which must be Duck Island Walks.
All persons meeting the above criteria will each receive a special award at the annual SFTC Awards Banquet.
Fitness Walker of the Year Competition
Throughout the year, the Fitness Walking Series Manager will maintain a chart showing the total monthly mileage each Series participant walked for personal fitness. Each month, the Series Manager will contact each participant for their monthly total. These totals must be actual, intentional walking miles, not total number of steps converted to miles. The participant with the most miles logged at the end of the season will be named the Fitness Walker of the Year and be presented an award SFTC Annual Awards Banquet. In the case of a tie, multiple awards will be given.